Not Able To Do A Headstand? This movement is more simpler and has the same health benefits.


According to yoga instructors, doing an inversion (or upside-down pose) for as little as three minutes each day will enhance your health and wellbeing. (Here's another simple method to gain energy, lose weight, and prevent illness: Walk Your Way To Better Health by Prevention is a great resource. Additionally, studies have shown that standing on your elbows can increase circulation by assisting blood flow from your legs back up to your heart, where it is pushed through your lungs for fresh oxygen. Once inside your body, that oxygen-rich blood can circulate and improve cell function. (Here are 9 additional ways yoga keeps you healthy and young.) Furthermore, it's actually enjoyable to turn upside down for a moment and take a mental break from the hectic routine you manage when you're upright.

But when most people hear the word "inversion," they immediately picture headstands and handstands and dread falling and getting hurt. However, you don't need to perfect a headstand suitable for Instagram in order to enjoy the associated health advantages and tranquility of mind (phew!). Legs-up-the-wall is a fantastic inversion that everyone can perform, regardless of their level of activity, flexibility, hypertension, or level of fear of falling. Every day, set aside three to five minutes to relax into this position and feel refreshed. If you often run or workout, it's also an excellent recovery action.

Legs-Up-The-Wall Technique:

  1. Find a barrier that is really strong, such a wall, a beam, or the back of a couch. Start by lying on the ground with your tummy facing up, your knees bent, and your feet firmly placed on the floor not far from the wall.                                                                                                                           
  2. Lift your legs up the wall one at a time. Once seated, move your buttocks toward the wall with the assistance of your arms. If you're just getting started, you can stop with your rear still a few inches away from the wall (it's gentler on the hamstrings). Eventually, you want your hamstrings to touch all the way to the wall in a perfect right (90 ) angle. Put a comfortable pillow between your buttocks and lower back if you have lower back pain. pause here                                             
  3. Return your legs to the floor carefully after three minutes of holding the inversion. Slowly raise your torso to the seated position, then help yourself up to the standing position and exhale deeply.

By A.Moiz 


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