Health benefits of exercise


According to the World Health Organization, exercise is one of the most important activities that you can engage in to improve your health. And conversely, a lack of physical activity is a risk factor for the development of certain chronic illnesses such as stroke, diabetes and cancer.

Unfortunately, there has been a trend in the last several decades toward more sedentary lifestyles. It may seem daunting for many of us, who may have limitations in our physical capabilities due to advancing age or chronic illnesses, to get out and exercise. However, it is important to know that despite any limitations that we have, doing some physical activity is better than doing none. People who are not used to being active should start with small amounts of physical activity, and then increase gradually as tolerated.

There is much medical research that confirms the health benefits of exercise. The World Health Organization says that physical activity of any kind reduces the chances of developing coronary heart disease and stroke, diabetes, hypertension and various types of cancer, including colon cancer and breast cancer, as well as depression. I thought that it might be useful to share some of the specific aspects of how exercise can improve our overall health status.

Let’s start with our mental health. You have a rough day at the office; it turns out that taking a walk or heading to the gym for a quick workout can help to alleviate mental stress by increasing the concentration of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to distress. In addition exercise causes the release of chemicals in our brain called endorphins, which can create feelings of happiness and well-being. There is also scientific research that suggests that exercise can help to prevent memory loss and cognitive decline.

For many of us who struggle to control and maintain our weight in a healthy range, exercise can help to play a critical role in helping us to achieve success in this area. The exact amount of physical activity needed to help us maintain a healthy weight is not clear-cut and probably varies from person to person. In trying to maintain and achieve a healthy weight, it is also important to have a healthy eating plan, including vegetables and fruits.

Carrying an excess amount of weight can increase our risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a condition whereby an individual has too much fat around the waist, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides or high blood sugar. Research shows that exercising for 30 minutes, three to four times per week can help to improve many of these issues.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Cardiovascular disease refers to heart attacks, strokes and hardening of the arteries. Someone who achieves anywhere from two to three hours per week of moderate physical activity can lower their risk for these conditions. Even more physical activity can further reduce one’s risk. In addition, exercise can help you to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol, and to increase your HDL (good) cholesterol.

Research shows that being physically active lowers one’s risk for two types of cancer: colon and breast. There is preliminary suggestive evidence that if one is a cancer survivor, that getting regular physical activity not only gives you a better quality of life, but also improves your physical fitness.

As we get older, it is well known that our bones, joints and muscles do have a tendency to become less strong and sturdy. Trying to keep our bones, joints and muscles healthy is important with respect to being able to stay physically active. Doing muscle strengthening and bone strengthening physical activity can slow the loss of bone density and loss of muscle strength that occurs normally with aging.

A hip fracture is a condition that we all hope to avoid. Research shows that people who do two to three hours of exercise a week can have a lower risk of hip fracture. Many forms of weight bearing exercise help to improve our balance, which can be crucial in preventing falls.

There are only a few lifestyle choices that have as much of an impact on your health as physical activity. Whatever our level of physical capabilities, the health benefits of physical exercise are substantial. You don’t necessarily have to join a gym or fitness club, to benefit from physical activity. Certain everyday activities such as going up and down stairs, or parking your car at a distance from your destination, are simple strategies to carry out. The bottom line is that exercise and physical activity are great to feel better, boost your health and have fun. Find something you enjoy, even if you just take a short walk to enjoy the spring weather. Space out your activities throughout the week in order to balance out these health benefits. Remember that it’s a good idea to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program, especially if you have not an exercised for a long time, or you suffer from a chronic health condition.

By A. Moiz


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